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    Tracing back the fastest radio bursts with the highest precision

The Research Group

AstroFlash is supported by a research group of PhD students and postdocs hosted at ASTRON, JIVE and the University of Amsterdam and built by Jason Hessels. The researchers are experts on both time- and image-domain analyses of radio observations both from single dish and interferometers, from low frequencies to very long baseline interferometry. AstroFlash widely uses the antennas from the European VLBI Network to precisely localize Fast Radio Bursts and study their emission and environments.

AstroFlash Project

This is a NWO Vici grant awarded byJason Hessels (ASTRON and University of Amsterdam) entitled "AstroFlash: probing the extremes of the Universe at high time and spatial resolution''. The Vici grants provide researchers with 1.5 MEur to explore an innovative research line over the course of 5 years (2020-2025). With the grant, Hessels will build a research group of PhD students and postdocs hosted at ASTRON, JIVE and the University of Amsterdam.

Science Motivation

AstroFlash is focused on the precise localization of dozens of repeating Fast Radio Bursts, and thereby come to a deeper understanding of what produces these fascinating astronomical signals. The FRB phenomenon was discovered in 2007. Though the FRBs remain mysterious, astronomers have demonstrated that these millisecond-duration flashes of radio light originate from distant galaxies. Whatever is producing the FRBs is thus exceptionally energetic and unlike anything we have studied before. The FRBs therefore hold great scientific promise to give us new insights into the extremes of the Universe. They are also a unique tool to probe the otherwise invisible material within and between galaxies.

Publications and code return

AstroFlash is producing an impressive number of scientific results. Many publciations are being published in leading journals, as you can see in the results section. Additionally, AstroFlash significantly contributes with code and tooling developments to the Fast Radio Burst community. We host the AstroFlash GitHub page where these tools are available for the community.

Fast Radio Bursts

We trace one of the quickest flashes of light in the Universe

Radio Observations

Using single-dish and very long interferometry radio observations


High-resolution imaging and localization of Fast Radio Bursts

Narrowest bursts

High-time resolution to unveil the nanosecond/microsecond scales

Tool development

Applying latest techniques to data analysis

Origin of the emission

Extreme environments create the burst emission

We are leading the precise localizations of Fast Radio Bursts

Read About our Latest Results Cutting-edge Discoveries

A bright burst detection from FRB 20240619D at 1.3 GHz using the Westerbork-RT1 25-m...

Detection of bursts from FRB 20240114A at 2.5 GHz using the Nançay Radio Telescope

Over 100 detections of FRB 20240114A using small European dishes

EVN PRECISE localization of FRB 20240114A

Propagation effects at low frequencies seen in the LOFAR long-term monitoring of the...

A link between repeating and non-repeating fast radio bursts through their energy...

Meet our Team A Quality Experience Team

Jason Hessels

University of Amsterdam / ASTRON

Ny Ando

University of Amsterdam

Cees Bassa


Shivani Bhandari


Pragya Chawla

University of Amsterdam

Max Fine

University of Amsterdam

Akshatha Gopinath

University of Amsterdam

Dante Hewitt

University of Amsterdam

Jeff Huang

McGill University

Franz Kirsten

Chalmers University of Technology

Dirk Kuiper

University of Amsterdam

Ninisha Manaswini

Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy

Benito Marcote


Kenzie Nimmo


Omar Ould-Boukattine

University of Amsterdam

Zsolt Paragi


Ziggy Pleunis

University of Amsterdam / ASTRON

Mark Snelders

ASTRON / University of Amsterdam

Dany Vohl

University of Amsterdam / ASTRON