Principal Investigators

Jason Hessels

Canada Excellence Research Chair in Transient Astrophysics, McGill University / Full Professor, University of Amsterdam / Staff Scientist, ASTRON

Exploring fast radio transient phase space.

Benito Marcote

Permanent Support Scientist, JIVE

Studies all kind of transient sources with low-frequency connected radio interferometers and very long baseline interferometry (VLBI).

Ziggy Pleunis

Assistant Professor, University of Amsterdam / Visiting Scientist, ASTRON

Using fast radio transients as precise astrophysical tools.

Associated Staff

Cees Bassa

Staff Scientist, ASTRON

Working with the LOFAR radio telescope and volunteer at the Dwingeloo radio telescope.

Zsolt Paragi

Head of User Suport Group, JIVE

Chair of the program comittee of the European VLBI Network and head of the EVN User Support.

Postdoctoral Researchers

Reshma Anna-Thomas

Postdoctoral Researcher, ASTRON

Searching for fast radio transients in low-frequency data. Advised by Jason Hessels.

Amanda Cook

Postdoctoral Researcher, McGill University

Using fast radio bursts as statistical probes of diffuse ionized media and exploring the implications for galaxy formation. Advised by Jason Hessels.

Dante Hewitt

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Amsterdam

Localizing fast radio bursts at high angular resolution and understanding the burst emission through observations with the Nancay telescope. Advised by Jason Hessels.

Lauren Rhodes

Trottier Space Institute Post-doctoral Research Fellow, McGill University

Uses radio telescopes to study relativistic jets launched by black holes of all masses. Advised by Daryl Haggard and Jason Hessels.

Dany Vohl

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Amsterdam and ASTRON

Discovering long-term transient sources at low radio frequencies with LOFAR. Advised by Jason Hessels.

PhD Candidates

Akshatha Gopinath

PhD Candidate, University of Amsterdam

Studying the burst properties of fast radio bursts at the lowest frequencies with LOFAR. Advised by Jason Hessels.

Jeff Huang

PhD Candidate, McGill University

Advised by Jason Hessels.

Dirk Kuiper

PhD Candidate, University of Amsterdam

Realtime survey for fast radio transients with LOFAR 2.0. Advised by Jason Hessels, Ziggy Pleunis and Benito Marcote.

Alexandra Moroianu

PhD Candidate, University of Amsterdam

Milliarcsecond localization of repeating fast radio burst sources with PRECISE. Advised by Jason Hessels, Ziggy Pleunis and Benito Marcote.

Nicole Mulyk

PhD Candidate, McGill University

Advised by Jason Hessels and Vicky Kaspi.

Omar Ould-Boukattine

PhD Candidate, ASTRON and University of Amsterdam

High-cadence monitoring of repeating fast radio bursts with small EVN dishes (HyperFlash). Advised by Jason Hessels.

Sylvain Ranguin

PhD Candidate, University of Amsterdam

Realtime survey for fast radio transients with LOFAR 2.0. Advised by Jason Hessels, Ziggy Pleunis and Benito Marcote.

Mark Snelders

PhD Candidate, ASTRON and University of Amsterdam

Finding and characterizing fast radio bursts at the highest possible time resolution. Advised by Jason Hessels.

Master & Bachelor Students

Ny Ando

University of Amsterdam

Developing a pipeline to look for single pulses from the Nançay Radio Telescope

Rachel Darlinger

MSc Student, McGill University

CHIME/FRB Outriggers. Advised by Jason Hessels.

Max Fine

MSc Student, University of Amsterdam

Deciphering the local environments fo repeating fast radio burst sources using scintillation. Advised by Ziggy Pleunis and Jason Hessels.

Nina Kaplina

MSc Student, University of Amsterdam

Analysing Thousand Pulsar Array dataset taken with MeetKAT to explore the distribution of scattering variations in the interstellar medium. Advised by Aditya Parthasarathy and Jason Hessels.

Kyle McGregor

MSc Student, McGill University

Probing the selection function of repeaters and multicomponent bursts using CHIME/FRB injections. Advised by Vicky Kaspi and Jason Hessels.

Affiliated Members

Shivani Bhandari


Former postdoc and NWO Veni Fellow. Studies Fast Radio Bursts with the EVN and LOFAR.

Pragya Chawla


Former postdoc working on searches for fast radio bursts at low radio frequencies.

Franz Kirsten

Senior Research Engineer, Chalmers University of Technology

Leading the PRECISE project on follow up of repeating fast radio burst sources with EVN dishes.

Ninisha Manaswini

PhD Student, Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy

Former ASPIRE student at UvA, working on searches for CHIME-detected FRBs in LOFAR-tied array all-sky survey and on polarimetry of bursts detected by the Effelsberg telescope.

Kenzie Nimmo

Kavli Fellow, MIT

Former UvA PhD student, on the study of fast radio bursts at the highest angular and temporal resolution.

Former Members

Mariska Hoogkamer

MSc Student, University of Amsterdam

Former master student at UvA/API advised by Jason Hessels, working on characterising fluctuations in FRB temporal profiles and comparing with magnetar X-ray bursts. Now a PhD Student at the University of Amsterdam.

David Konijn

MSc Student, University of Amsterdam

Searching for FRBs towards nearby starburst galaxies. Now a PhD student at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and ASTRON.

Teresa Matamoro

MSc Student, University of Amsterdam

Former UvA student, now a PhD student at the University of Bristol. Advised by Jason Hessels.

Ruben van Ruiten

Research Associate, University of Amsterdam

Former research associate searching for links between energetic millisecond pulsars and repeating fast radio bursts. Advised by Jason Hessels.

Hugo Veldhuis

MSc Student, University of Amsterdam

Former master student working on burst morphological clustering of FRBs from CHIME/FRB Catalog 1 and the Arecibo observations of FRB 20121102A. Advised by Dany Vohl Jason Hessels.